Life is what you make it- as is Body Mod; also if sent to PRISON!
OZ sites
February 6 2025
OZ snaps
These are my real HMP prison jeans from my time in 2010:

Here I'm wearing the white and black stripes prison gear from my now
JVA Grossenhain prison......

In prison, my experience was that often I had to show my
circumcised, inked & pierced

Since I first went to prison in 1987, have had virtually my entire circumcised penis Inked; A total of 22 on it so far..... including five prison dots and 9 others on my Knob.
All this great Ink was done in:-
England, Germany, Hungary, Ireland and
10 more tattoos in
my pubic hair.
So far: 32.
The most recent one: 'WONKER'!

Here at JVA Grossenhain prison, lifting up an Orange prison 'T' shirt from Milwauwee County Jail,
Wisconsin, USA. I was never there, but was given it by somebody who was.....

Finally, in both Prison and other
strip searches, the internal Adrenalin builds up in me to the point of thrilled exhiliration when told to take off underwear and stand there stark naked, currently with 340 tattoos,
54 piercings and 18 beadings-implants.
I have been known to
CUM/Orgasm on the
reception Floor!
Mein Schwanz 'WIENER'
ist fast schon Schön völlig tätowiert und
gepierct; auch Beaded!
Weiter zum am die mein
Hoden Sack und Arsch-
